
What must we do?

What must we do 1 August 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson

The Lord be with you … and also with you. Welcome to worship at Knox Presbyterian Bayfield on August 1st.


Mission Moment                     A Gateway for Evangelism

Kensington Presbyterian Church in P.E.I. participated in a denominational renewal program, funded by Presbyterians Sharing, that helped identify new ways of helping others grow in faith. As the pandemic necessitated a move to online ministry, the Session at Kensington PC recognized that certain members of their church family were excluded because they could not access technology or the Internet, so they created a Home Ministry program to focus on the inclusion of everyone who could not join online worship. Tablets containing worship services were dropped off weekly,  and frequent pastoral visits, check-in and care were all part of the program. An unforeseen benefit of the program was that a member living in a senior’s residence used the opportunity to share the services with other residents who were not connected to a church. What started as a discipleship program has now grown into a gateway for evangelism.


Do you have an interest in acquiring a basic familiarity with Indigenous/non-Indigenous relationships? Indigenous Canada is a an online course from the University of Alberta. This course explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada from an Indigenous perspective. Registration is free.


We will celebrate the 164th Anniversary for this congregation Sunday August 22nd.


Interesting English:  Your fingers have fingertips but your toes don’t have toetips. Yet, you can tiptoe but not tipfinger.


Your contributions to the church and its ongoing work are appreciated. Your regular offerings allow the church to continue its good work. The Knox Session and Finance committee are diligent in their efforts to minimize expenses and meet financial commitments. Our updated financial reports indicate June income $4,837

and expenses $6,005 with a year-to-date deficit of $5,685.


Faith Expressed Through the Arts. Submit your artwork for the 2022 PCC Wall Calendar. Art can nourish our souls and bring us closer to God. Presbyterians are invited to submit high-resolution photos that showcase their creative expression, including (but not limited to): drawings/paintings, sculpture, stained glass, seasonal arts and crafts, Sunday School artwork, quilting/knitting/sewing, culinary/baking, gardening, photography, performance art, poetry, and more.

Deadline August 20, 2021


We are thankful to Jean Walker, organist, for her efforts in performing the hymns for the YouTube video.


The people of Knox Bayfield acknowledge that our community worship, live, play, and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and Mississauga peoples within Treaty 29, of 1827.


Hymn #730     O for a World


Call to Worship

We do not live by bread alone, but by the Word who became flesh and dwells among us. Christ is the true bread of heaven, the manna of freedom. Come, let us worship and give thanks.

Hymn# 442   Speak Lord in the stillness



Assurance of Pardon

Ephesians 3:16-19; 4:1, 3, 15; John 6:35

God, you have called us to live worthy lives. We confess to you and to each other

that we have not always spoken the truth in love; we have not always made every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit. Forgive us and, by your grace, help us to grow in the ways of Jesus Christ. Amen

Sisters and brothers, siblings in Christ, the promise of our faith is that those who turn to Jesus Christ will never hunger for forgiveness and that which gives life to the world. This is a promise of joy and of peace.

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.


Prayer For Illumination   

Creator of unity and peace, Spirit of community, bind us together around your Word. Send us out to do your justice, show your mercy, and embody the redeeming love of the Holy Trinity. Amen.


2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a; Psalm 51:1-12; Ephesians 4:1-16; John 6:22-35

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.

Hymn   # 198     I hunger and I thirst

What must we do?

It can be difficult to comprehend information that doesn’t fit with what we expected. In conversation we can ask a question and hear an unexpected response. The unexpected response causes confusion and may even be rejected. It may take time for information to settle. In our readings today David and the crowd following Jesus have similar experiences. They hear information that does not fit.

The prophet Nathan was sent by God to talk with David. It was a formidable task. Imagine Nathan as he faced the difficult dilemma of confronting King David’s abhorrent behaviour. You may recall from last week that David abused his authority and position of power. He summoned the beautiful Bathsheba to be with him.  When David was told of her pregnancy he tried and failed to trick her husband Uriah. David’s failed attempts to hide the truth resulted in Uriah’s death.

Nathan cannot allow David’s actions to go unchallenged. Instead of confronting David, which would likely not go well, Nathan used the more subtle strategy of indirect communication. Nathan appealed to the compassionate part of David as he told of a poor man’s lamb. The parallel story that describes an abuse of power touches on David memories as a shepherd and to his poetic imagination. The story is one of injustice where a rich man steals and slaughters a poor man’s only lamb. David is outraged as the story reaches into his heart and triggers his sense of justice. It is in recognizing how harm has been done that David is able to correct his own behaviour and reach out to make right the harm he caused.

David could have become defensive of his actions. Imagine if David’s response had been, Well I didn’t kill anyone’s lamb! This would be a very different story.  Rather than being obtuse David recognized himself in the story. Perhaps this helps us to see how the crowd struggled to understand the teachings from Jesus. Several questions are asked of Jesus. In part, the questions illustrate how Jesus, the messiah, did not fulfill the crowd’s anticipated expectations.

The people have continued to follow Jesus across the sea of Galilee to the town of Capernaum. This is the same crowd that was fully fed with basketfuls of leftovers – from a couple of fish and a few loaves-on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. This is the same crowd Jesus withdrew from when he realized that they would try to take him by force to make him king. The disciples and the crowds struggle to understand the teachings that Jesus offers. They struggled and we continue to struggle.

They ask several questions of Jesus that help them to understand. They asked, “What must we do to perform the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” That you believe in him whom he has sent. How do we believe in him? How do we recognize the signs of God and the presence of Christ among us? The gospel stories help us to recognize that even those who believe in Jesus, those whom he calls his friends and travel with him, they struggle to understand him. When the story unfolds many of the disciples will scatter away from him in his darkest hour.

Do we miss the miracles in our lives? Is it possible we see the miracle and that we don’t recognize the signs that point to God? The large crowd had been fed by a divine miracle yet they struggled with the explanation that the miracle was a sign pointing them to faith in the divine, to God and the Son whom God had sent.  The crowd struggled with this teaching. Perhaps they, like many through the centuries, saw the miracle as answering a specific need – their physical hunger.

Is this why they ask for another sign. They have participated in a miracle and do not recognize the full implications. The people of the crowd point to the scriptures, they speak of the manna created by Moses. Jesus reminded them that the bread came from heaven. It was God who gave the manna that satisfied their physical hunger each day. The manna pointed to their faith in God. The same God is now giving them bread from heaven that will satisfy forever. Jesus taught that he is the bread of life and able to satisfy hunger and quench thirst forever.

Jesus is the “soul food” which lasts forever. He is the bread of life. This message may be most difficult to comprehend when you have an abundance of material things and seem to lack nothing except when feelings of emptiness, aimlessness, worthlessness arise. When our physical and intellectual needs are cared for there can still be a yearning for deeper meaning in life. Can you imagine a three legged stool where one leg is missing? It is constantly out of balance. It may lean precariously against a wall, yet, it remains unstable. Finding balance within ourselves involves finding balance within our body, mind, and soul. Miracles and signs are symbolic markers pointing toward the divine truth.

Jesus recognized that they followed him because he had filled their stomachs. They failed to recognize that him as the life-giving bread from heaven. They respond, “Sir, give us this bread always” is similar to the Samaritan woman’s response when Jesus offered her the water of eternal life, “Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.”

Each of the gospel stories help us to better understand our own faith, the faith of others, and the questions that arise for all of us. It is possible to see our own struggle in their struggles. The story of the lamb reaches into David’s heart and triggers his sense of justice. When we listen to this story of David, Bathsheba, Uriah, and Nathan it is important to hear more than a story of scandal. The story tells of the devastating impact when power is abused. This story helps us to see the importance of speaking out against the abuse of power and the need to take action when we have harmed others, to make amends – to make better that which has been harmed. Each week we experience the miracle of learning from this ancient scripture that speaks through space and time. Praise be to God.


Hymn # 778       Lord you give the great commission 


The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord            

Quote:       No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Aesop (620–564 BCE), Greek fabulist [what is a fabulist? One who writes fables]

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9: 7-8



Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Join me in prayer:

God of love and liberation, we give thanks for the stories of faith in which you fed Israel in the wilderness and Jesus fed the hungry crowds that followed him.

We forget to be grateful for what we have and complain about what we do not have. Like those in the ancient stories, we sometimes grab more than our daily bread. Help us to take only what we need and leave the rest for those who hunger.  Loving God, as you fed your people in the wilderness, use our gifts, time, and talents as the manna to meet the hungers of the world in which we live.

Holy One, we pray for this community, for its families, its individuals, its children.

We pray for the nations of the earth, that the world may know peace.

We pray for those who hunger for bread and for those who hunger for righteousness, that they will be fed what they need.

There are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Sandy and family, Judith, Earl, Nicole, Rudy and Grace, Bonnie, Rob, Courtney and Kyla, David, Sharron and William J Kelly. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #471        We are one in the Spirit


Be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading as you follow in the ways of Christ. Find peace within yourself and make peace with others. May the blessing of God be with you.

May the love of Jesus fill you. May the power of the Holy Spirit sustain you,

now and forevermore.

Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy

Questions for Reflection 

In John 6:26–27, Jesus says that people were looking for him not because they saw signs but because they had eaten their fill of the bread he had multiplied. What do you think he meant? What is “the food that endures for eternal life”?

In what specific situation is God calling you to exercise humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, and love?


Morning Prayer

Holy One, as I move through this new day, I pray that you will keep me in union

with the faith and knowledge of Jesus. I long to mature into the stature of Christ.

Help me to speak the truth in love today, that I may grow into him, my savior, my teacher, and my friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Thank you, God, for being my traveling companion today. Instead of counting sheep as I fall asleep tonight, help me to count all the forms that your manna took

as you fed me with the bread of life today. Good night, God. I love you. Amen.

Daily Prayer

Loving Trinity, your justice is the working out of your mercy and peace on earth.

Nourish us with the power of the Son and let us grow into his image and likeness.

Humble us in our self-conceits so that we act not arrogantly but with humility, patience, forbearance, and love. Equip us for ministry on behalf of all

who cry out to you. Help us to live lives worthy of the calling to which you call us in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Scripture readings next week

2 Samuel 18; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35-51

#730                O for a World

O for a world where everyone respects each others ways, where love is lived and all is done with justice and with praise.


O for a world where goods are shared and misery relieved, where truth is spoken, children spared, equality achieved.


We welcome one world family and struggle with each choice that opens us to unity and gives our vision voice.


The poor and rich, the weak are strong, the foolish ones are wise. Tell all who mourn: outcasts belong, who perishes will rise.


O for a world preparing for God’s glorious reign of peace, where time and tears will be no more, and all but love will cease.


623   Holy, holy, holy         Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:    Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun     Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain


442   Speak Lord in the stillness

Speak, Lord, in the stillness, speak your word to me; hushed my heart to listen

in expectancy.


Speak, O gracious Master, in this quiet hour; let me see your face, Lord, feel your touch of power.


For the words you give me they are life indeed; living bread from heaven, now my spirit feed.


Speak, your servant listens, be not silent, Lord; let me know your presence; let your voice be heard.


Fill me with the knowledge of your glorious will; all your own good pleasure in my life fulfill.


198   I hunger and I thirst

I hunger and I thirst, Jesus manna be: ye living waters, burst out of the rock for me.


Thou bruised and broken bread, my life-long wants supply; as living souls are fed,

oh feed me, or I die.


Thou true life-giving vine, let me thy sweetness prove; renew my life with thine;

refresh my soul with love.


Since first their course began, rough paths my feet have trod. Feed me, thou living bread; help me, thou Son of God.


For still the desert lies my thirsting soul before; O living waters, rise within me evermore.


778   Lord you give the great commission

Lord, you give the great commission: “Heal the sick and preach the word.”

Lest the Church neglect its mission And the Gospel go unheard, Help us witness to your purpose with renewed integrity with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.


Lord, you call us to your service: “In my name baptize and teach.” That the world may trust your promise, life abundant meant for each, give us all new fervour, draw us closer in community; with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.


Lord, you make the common holy: “This my body, this my blood.” Let us all for earth’s true glory, daily lift life heavenward, asking that the world around us  share your children’s liberty; with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.


Lord, you show us love’s trues measure; “Father, what they do, forgive.” Yet we hoard as private treasure all that you so freely give. May your care and mercy lead us to a just society; with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.


Lord, you bless with words assuring: “I am with you to the end.” Faith and hope and love restoring, may we serve as you intend, and, amid the cares that claim us, hold in mind eternity; with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.


471   We are one in the Spirit

We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord, We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord, And we pray that all unity will one day be restored, And they’ll know we are Christians  by our love, by our love, And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.


We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, we will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, and together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love.


We will work with each other, we will work side by side, we will work with each other, we will work side by side, and we’ll guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love.


All praise to the Father, from whom all things come, and all praise to Christ Jesus, who is God’s only Son, and all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one,and they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, and they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

























Contrasts July 25 2021

Contrasts 25 July 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson



Seeking Connections 18 July 2021

Seeking connection 18 July 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson

The Lord be with you … and also with you.

Welcome to worship at Knox Presbyterian Bayfield on July 18th 2021.


Your Session met last week to discuss the work of the church. The significant decisions on how to remain safe and when to re-open the building has been pondered for 17 months! Yes, we began this discussion in March 2020. Knox Bayfield will be open for in person worship on Sunday, September 12th. More details will be available closer to that date.

Mission Moment …    Camping from Home                   

For many children, Camp Douglas in British Columbia is their safe space away from home. These young campers have little to no connection with a congregation or other Christian community outside of camp. They come each summer with a hunger for God and a desire to reunite with the loving Christian community they experienced in past summers. Last year, Camp Douglas staff adapted the camp’s programming using an online platform that enabled their important ministry to continue throughout the summer. Staff ran weekly Bible studies and campfires, as well as other traditional camp activities   that could be done at home. Camp Douglas was able to provide this wonderful experience in part through regional resourcing grants, supported by Presbyterians Sharing.


Anniversary Sunday August 22 will soon be upon us. Although we will continue to worship across space and time, we continue to be a vital worship community at Knox Bayfield. Do you know the number of years this Bayfield community has gathered? We will celebrate the ? anniversary! What? Watch for more details in the weeks ahead.


We are thankful to Jean Walker, organist, for her efforts in performing the hymns for the YouTube video.


Do you have an interest in acquiring a basic familiarity with Indigenous/non-Indigenous relationships? Indigenous Canada is an online course from the University of Alberta. This course explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada from an Indigenous perspective. Registration is free.


Church Signs:     Noah was a brave man to sail in a boat with termites!

Have you noticed an interesting or amusing church sign or bulletin blooper? Share with the congregation by adding to our collection. Send in or call Rev Lisa (contact information at bottom of page)


Your contributions to the church and its ongoing work are appreciated. Your regular offerings allow the church to continue its good work. The Knox Session and Finance committee are diligent in their efforts to minimize expenses and meet financial commitments. Our updated financial reports indicate June income $4,837  and expenses $6,005 with a year-to-date deficit of $5,685.


Faith Expressed Through the Arts. Submit your artwork for the 2022 PCC Wall Calendar. Art can nourish our souls and bring us closer to God. Presbyterians are invited to submit high-resolution photos that showcase their creative expression, including (but not limited to): drawings/paintings, sculpture, stained glass, seasonal arts and crafts, Sunday School artwork, quilting/knitting/sewing, culinary/baking, gardening, photography, performance art, poetry, and more.

Deadline August 20, 2021


The people of Knox Bayfield acknowledge that our community worship, live, play, and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and Mississauga peoples within Treaty 29, of 1827.


Hymn # 588  A prophet woman broke a jar


Call to Worship

Mark 6:31

Christ says, come away to a deserted place and rest a while. God calls us to quiet and rest, even as we continue to minister to those in need.

Hymn # 588  A prophet woman broke a jar

Assurance of Pardon

Join me in prayer Psalm 23

God of green pastures, we confess that when we can get busy and distracted we lose sight of your love and care for us. We forget to live in gratitude and fail to live lives of goodness and mercy. Forgive us, heal us, and lead us down gentle paths

that restore our souls. Amen.


We are sisters and brothers, siblings in Christ. Remember that you have been restored to the grace of God. When we encounter one another share a sign of peace, for this congregation is a feast that God has prepared.


May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.


Hymn# 479 The church’s one foundation

Prayer For Illumination   

Ephesians 2

May the reading of your Word draw near to you those of us once far off. May the hearing of your Word break down the dividing walls between us, for Jesus Christ, your living Word, is our peace. Amen.


2 Samuel 7:1-14; Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-56

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.

Hymn   # 588     A prophet women broke a jar


Seeking connection

I wondered what it was like to be present when Jesus walked among people. Would you join the crowds and seek him out? There are several passages that speak of people gathering in great numbers just to get a glimpse of him. Can you imagine getting a phone call from a friend and they proclaim, “ Dennis saw Jesus walking down highway 21 toward Bayfield. I’m going to see if I can get close. Are you coming?” Would you go? 2000 years ago the brave and the desperate would walk many miles and  work their way through the crowds to touch him, to talk with him, or to seek his attention. In the reading today, there are 5,000 men, probably a crowd of 12,000 with women and children, roughly the population along the coast from Goderich down to Grand Bend. Can you imagine that many people getting up and walking in a crowd to follow him? There would be 24 hour news coverage tracking the movements of Jesus and the disciples.

As my thoughts wandered with this scenario I thought of the number of taken photos when my youngest son was a toddler. Digital photography was still a little novel. The cost of photography shifted away from the cost of film and allowed for a steady stream of photos. This resulted in excessive photo taking, especially at family gatherings.  My daughter would jokingly raise his little hand in front of his face, teaching him to say, ‘no papparazi, no papparazi’ when the attention became too much. She recognized the intrusive nature of too much attention and that it is difficult to deal with. I wonder, when does attention become too much? When is it not enough? During the pandemic we developed an increased awareness of the harm caused by isolation. We re-discovered the deep need for relationship, connection with others, and physical contact.  Many are feeling a need to express their vulnerability in this new way of being. The need for physical distance as we learn more about the impact of the vaccines. The need for closer physical connection as vaccinations take effect. The vaccination against COVID has provided the ability for people to hug – once they have both vaccinations and wait at least 2 weeks. Ah. The re-connection with others is delightful. Yet, some may not be quite ready to drop the mask and embrace.

It is important that we do not push this significant and complex experience away in an effort to resume old habits. The last 18 months have re-shaped an entire world to have a deeper understanding of our need for connection. Perhaps, for some, this experience has provided an opportunity to recognize that people have basic needs that must be met. The need for connection, food, security, and rest. The scriptures tell of Jesus praying and resting and encouraging the disciples to do so.

Mark’s account draws our attention to the people seeking an encounter with the divine. Often, when we think of healing, it is in connection with the medical community of doctors, nurses, therapists, and medications. In our faith community we are attentive to the importance of spiritual healing. Each week we lift up our collective concerns for the world, the local community and our congregation in our prayers of the people.

Jesus and the disciples do most of their work outside of buildings, in the community. Healing occurs when we reach out to one another in mutual need. God’s grace becomes embodied when the faith community seeks to live in the ways of Christ. The body of Christ is present in the world as God repairs and heals. How have you experienced God’s grace and healing during the pandemic? Do you reach out to others to make connections and strengthen relationships?

Jean-Pierre de Caussade, an 18th century Jesuit priest and writer, taught that God is revealed in each moment. It is necessary to pay attention to God’s presence and surrender to God’s will. De Caussade writes, “Everything turns to bread to nourish me, soap to wash me, fire to purify me, and a chisel to fashion me in the image of God. Grace supplies all my needs.”

In our reading from 2nd Samuel, we continue with King David’s story. His life has been tumultuous. His youth was spent as a young shepherd with his father’s flock. After his defeat of Goliath, he became a part of King Saul’s court. Saul’s son Jonathan became like a brother to him. Then, he was thrown out of the King Saul’s court and then later returned as the newly appointed King. David’s relationships were complicated. When he was settled and given rest from his enemies, David created a home for his family, a solid and substantial house of cedar. David talked to the prophet Nathan about his intent to build a house for God. It seemed only right that a house be provided for the Ark of the Covenant now that David was secure in the house provided by God. God spoke to Nathan that night to clarify God’s intent. Nathan was to talk to David to ensure he understood that God’s plans differed from his plans. David’s task was not to establish a home for God, God established David’s kingdom. God, Nathan, and David worked together to create a deeper understanding of God’s expectations.

We witness the importance of relationships in the scriptures. In scripture we look beyond the words on the page to comprehend the depth of the stories we read. In a similar way, we look beyond the words and gestures in our relationships. When friends and family are troubled, we stand ready to journey with them through whatever circumstances arise. Sometimes that means giving them more space, sometimes that means staying closer. Our lives are intermingled. Our stories are not ours alone.

The concept of individuality depends on the premise of self-sufficiency. Too often the message that we are to be self-reliant undermines God’s call for us to be in relationship. Our readings today remind us of the importance of being with one another in the difficulties, the awkwardness, the vulnerability, and the joy.

Ubuntu is a South African (Zulu) philosophy that recognizes the importance of our inter-connection.  Nelson Mandela describes Ubuntu as, “I am because we are”,  and,  “a person is a person through other persons”. Ubuntu recognizes the power of shared humanity within community and the interconnected nature of creation. Many religious traditions capture the essence of Ubuntu.

Our readings today reveal insight into our deep need for connection. The supportive relationship between David and Nathan. The diverse needs of the gathering crowds as they sought Jesus. The physical and spiritual needs of Jesus and the disciples. Reach out to one another with the peace of Christ. Peace be with you.

Hymn # 348  Tell me the stories of Jesus


The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord            

Quote:       Giving is more than a responsibility—it is a privilege; more than an act of obedience—it is evidence of our faith. William Arthur Ward (1921–1994), American educator

God spreads a table of blessings before us. Let us express our gratitude by giving a portion of what has been given to us. Psalm 23


Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Ps. 23 Jer. 23 Mark 6:34  Ephesians 2

Join me in prayer:

Holy, everlasting God, we are all part of your creation. In Christ we are joined together. We lift up in prayer those called or elected as leaders. May your voice guide them to care for your creation and care for their people. We pray for the leaders within the church, may they faithfully tend to those entrusted to them.

We pray for those who are poor and in need of assistance. May we take action to tenderly care for them. We pray for the victims of war and other forms of violence, that we may be good news for them both in word and in deed. We pray for all who have been abused by anyone associated with the church. May we be quick to care for them and steadfast in our efforts to build systems of accountability.

Good Shepherd of righteousness, bring us together through the love of Christ. May we strive to dissolve the walls that divide us. Be our peace, and by your Holy Spirit

renew our sense of place within creation.

We pray for the sick and those who are spiritually hungry, that we may be a message of compassion. There are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Sandy and family, Judith, Earl and Ruth, Nicole, Rudy and Grace, Bonnie, Rob, Courtney and Kyla. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #682 Just as I am   


May God grant you peace in your sleeping and waking. May Christ fill you with joy in your work and your play. May the Holy Spirit infuse you with passion in your love for God. This day and forevermore.

Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy


Questions for Reflection 

God promised to build King David into a “house.” Paul told the Ephesians that in Christ they would be built into “a dwelling place for God.” How is the Holy Spirit living in you?


Morning Prayer

Holy One, thank you for the gift of this new day. Please help me to stay mindful of your creation and your teachings as I travel through it. Empower me to see and spread the good news of your grace for all people. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Holy One, thank you for the gift of today. Thank you for all the ways that I saw your glory and learned your teachings beyond speech and words. As I drift to sleep this night, may the meditations of my heart draw me closer to you, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen.



Daily Prayer

Holy One, we want to be the sheep of your pasture. Care for us, feed us, and lead us, we pray. Once we are strengthened by your presence, raise us up to be shepherds ourselves who tend to those who fear and dismay so that our lives may reflect our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture readings next week

2 Samuel 11:1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21

Hymn # 588      A prophet woman broke a jar

A prophet-woman broke a jar by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying.


A faithful woman left a tomb by love’s divine commission.

She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission.

A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel;

she saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles.


Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten and unheard, derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending.


The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchanging.

The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome!


623   Holy, holy, holy         Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:    Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun     Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain


479   The church’s one foundation

The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord; we are his new creation by water and the word; from heaven he came and sought us that we might ever be

his living servant people, by his own death set free.


Called forth from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth, our charter of salvation, one Lord, one faith, one birth, one holy name professing and at one table fed,

to one hope we are pressing, by Christ’s own Spirit led.

Though with a scornful wonder the world sees us oppressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed, yet saints their watch are keeping; their cry goes up, “How long?” But soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song.


‘Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of our war, we wait the consummation of peace forevermore; till with the vision glorious our longing eyes are blest, and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest.


We now on earth have union with God the Three-in-One, and share, through faith, communion with those whose rest is won,— O happy ones and holy! Lord give us grace that we, like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.


348   Tell me the stories of Jesus

Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear, Things I would ask him to tell me if he were here: Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea, Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.


First, let me hear how the children stood round his knee, And I shall fancy his blessing resting on me: Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace, All in the lovelight of Jesus’ face.


Tell me about the disciples from far and near, And I will listen among them eager to hear. Whose loaves and fishes did Jesus bless, Showing the people God’s tenderness?


Tell me, in accents of wonder, How rolled the sea, Tossing the boat in a tempest on Galilee, And how the Master, ready and kind, Chided the billows and hushed the wind.


Into the city I’d follow the children’s band, Waving a branch of the palm tree

High in my hand; One of his heralds, yes, I would sing Loudest hosannas: Jesus is King!


682   Just as I am     

Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou biddest me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in thee I find, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Just as I am, thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Just as I am, thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down. Now to be thine, yea, thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.


Just as I am of that free love The breath, length, depth and height to prove,

Here for a season, then above, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Seeking connection 18 July 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson



The Lord be with you … and also with you.

Welcome to worship at Knox Presbyterian Bayfield on


Mission Moment …    From Outcast to Owner in Ghana

Aruk Atampure spends each day earning an income as the proprietor of a store in a community in Ghana. When Aruk was a small child, he contracted polio and lost partial use of his legs, causing him to be stigmatized by his family and others in the community. One day, a staff member from the Presbyterian World Service & Development-supported Garu Community-Based Rehabilitation program encouraged Aruk to enrol in the program, where he received entrepreneurial training. Reflecting on the help he received at every stage of   this journey, Aruk commented, “I am so grateful.”

Church Signs:  God shows no favoritism but our sign guy does. Go Blue Jays!

Have you noticed an interesting or amusing church sign in your journeys? Share with the congregation by sending them to Rev Lisa.

We are thankful to Jean Walker, organist, for her efforts in performing the hymns for the YouTube video.

Your contributions to the church and its ongoing work are appreciated. Your regular offerings allow the church to continue its good work. The Knox Session and Finance committee are diligent in their efforts to minimize expenses and meet financial commitments. Our updated financial reports indicate June income $4,837

and expenses $6,005 with a year-to-date deficit of $5,685.

Expenses were higher than anticipated in June due to unanticipated repairs to the bell tower. Jim Knox was quick to act when our neighbour noticed unwelcome guests coming and going. It was necessary to replace the old wooden louvers due to damage from a family of squirrels. You may notice new, metal louvres when you return to the sanctuary. We anticipate the metal will deter future furry visitors.


Faith Expressed Through the Arts. Submit your artwork for the 2022 PCC Wall Calendar. Art can nourish our souls and bring us closer to God. Presbyterians are invited to submit high-resolution photos that showcase their creative expression, including (but not limited to): drawings/paintings, sculpture, stained glass, seasonal arts and crafts, Sunday School artwork, quilting/knitting/sewing, culinary/baking, gardening, photography, performance art, poetry, and more.

Deadline August 20, 2021

The people of Knox Bayfield acknowledge that our community worship, live, play, and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and Mississauga peoples within Treaty 29, of 1827.

Hymn # 588  A prophet woman broke a jar

Call to Worship

Come to God, in worship and praise through Jesus Christ  Come worship God, with strength and weakness, with eager spirits and aging bodies, Come as you are, with devotion and doubt, with weariness and wonder

Assurance of Pardon

Join me in prayer …

Holy, holy, holy Lord, you are the God of glory. We take our impurities for granted and make excuses for our sins. Somehow we expect you, O holy God, to overlook the harm we cause and we demand justice from others. Help us to recognize our hypocrisy. In our hearts we recognize that we do not deserve your mercy. We seek forgiveness as we yearn to be in right relationship with you. We pray you will enliven us with the Holy Spirit. We pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

God’s forgiveness shines into the world and the darkness scatters. Jesus knows our every strength and our every weakness and loves us still. We are called to the promise of God’s amazing grace. Thanks be to God. Amen.

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

Hymn# 528  Jesus calls us here to meet him

Prayer For Illumination   

Spirit of the living God, seal in us your Word of truth, the gospel of salvation,

so that we can faithfully follow and joyfully serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.

Hymn   # 717     We cannot own the sunlit sky   


We are bombard with a continual flow of information and opinions on virtually every subject. When we dig just a little deeper we discover that our actions as individuals and as a faith community have significant impact. Part of our responsibility is to delve into these issues to better understand. It is challenging to develop a deeper understanding if we are unable to take in new information. We need eyes to see and ears to hear to form viewpoints and make decisions.

Symbols, physical objects, and stories are powerful. They offer a connection to a deeper awareness and provide a structure that frames our perspective. We see through certain perspectives. I’m thinking of a visit to the optometrist. When I look through the lens wheel and must determine whether the view is clear or not. Is this better or that. Sometimes it is difficult to discern which view is better. Our readings today offer different perspectives. We continued in the book of Samuel and Mark’s gospel. There is confrontation between political power and prophetic faith. There are expressions of joy with the Divine presence and there are acts of resistance and rejection of all that points to God.

We began with the reading of King David’s joy with the return of the Ark of the Covenant.  Now that we are almost finished with the pandemic, perhaps we can better understand David’s joyful dancing when the Ark was finally returned to the Israelites. The Ark was constructed during the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert and used until the destruction of the First Temple. There is debate about the contents of the Ark. Generally it is thought that it held the original tablets containing the Ten Commandments. You may recall that the original tablets were broken by Moses, and the second tablets, which remained intact, were held in the Ark. [Exodus 31:18, 32:19, 34:1] The Ark was carried through the desert and when they crossed into the land of Canaan, the waters of the Jordan River miraculously split and the Ark led them through. It was the power of the Ark that allowed them to breach the walls of Jericho.

The Philistines captured the Ark when the Israelites suffered a defeat.  It was placed it in the Philistine’s temple of their god Dagon. It is said that they found their idol had fallen on its face the next day. After replacing the statue, they found it decapitated. Soon afterward the entire city struck with a plague. The Philistines moved the Ark to other cities but whatever the Ark went, the Philistines suffered with a plague. After seven months, the Philistines sent the Ark back to the Israelites along with expensive gifts.  The mystery of the Ark continues to be intriguing. You may recall it was the subject of the 1981 film “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.” The movie tells of the fictional archeologist’s efforts to safeguard the Ark from falling into the hands of the Nazis. The ark was a concrete symbol of God’s revelation to Moses. The ark tells a story. It points to the story of God delivering people from slavery. It tells of divine guidance into the promised land. It is a narrative that is a reminder of salvation and of the God’s presence. It is a reminder that God leads us.

What symbols, physical objects, and stories help us to … have eyes to see and ears to hear  … God’s presence among and within us? What reminds us that our love of God creates the lens through which we see the world? Stories from scripture, stories of our faith community, and our individual faith stories shape us and provide us with memory. Memories that allow us to weather the stormy and difficult times. Memories that guide our viewpoints and decision making.   Symbols and physical objects are integral aspects of memory. The cross, the communion table, the church, the bible, and the hymnals. Interacting with members of our congregation. Each provides a link that helps to shift us into a deeper awareness of the Divine. It is the proclamation of God-with-us. It is knowing that the Holy Presence is ever present – we simply need to pause and pay attention.

We discover that King Herod had difficulty deciding which perspective to choose.

Herod chose to see and hear through the premise of protecting his adultery with his brother’s wife. A young girl, seeking to honour her mother causes a man to lose is life. A king chose to honour an oath even when he knew it was the wrong action to take. The gospel of Mark allows us to see how this decision seems to haunt Herod as he sees the actions of John the Baptist continue with Jesus. Mark provides a deeper understanding of the grudge held by Herodias and the conversation between Herodias and her daughter. Herod feared John  as a righteous and holy man.  Initially, Herod protected John and after his oath to kill him Herod was deeply grieved and saddened. Douglas John Hall describes Herod as ‘The puppet king knows enough about truth to recognize his own falseness’. Herod made a bad decision and stood by it even when he knew it would cause harm to others. We witness Herod’s mixture of anger, fear, and confusion.

How do we process information on the many issues that challenge us each day? Part of our responsibility is to delve into these issues to better understand. It is challenging to develop a deeper understanding of significant issues. We need eyes to see and ears to hear. At times we must set aside our what we think we know in order to hear new information. This can be difficult and it is important.

What helps you to be mindful of the lens through which you see the world? I look forward to hearing from you about the way your viewpoints are shaped and how your decisions are made.

Peace be with you.

Hymn # 689     Simply trusting every day

The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord  

Quote:        Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward, author

Consider what God has provided in Jesus Christ. Remember that, even now, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Rejoice that we are part of God’s plan for all time. We bear witness to the love of God with our offerings of thanksgiving.

Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Join me in prayer:

Holy Abba of our Lord Jesus Christ, you send the Holy Spirit to help us open our senses to your creation and our hearts to the needs of others. Grant us faith, hope, and imagination to see your vision for this world. We yearn for the time when weapons will be crushed by peace, stomachs will be filled by abundant harvests generously shared, and thirst quenched by pure rain falling from clean skies; when disease will be healed, minds made clear, and bodies made new,

so that all things reveal oneness in Christ.

Glorious God, you created us. It is your will and our destiny that we live into the full humanity of Jesus Christ so that we can praise you, give voice to creation’s joy, and join with all things in heaven and on earth to rejoice in your goodness forever. Thank you for this high calling and privilege. We bring an offering taken from the gifts you have provided. Because they come from you, they are holy. As we return them to you with our thanksgiving, bless them with the power of your love so that they may touch the lives of others and inspire them to join us in giving you thanks.

O holy One, there are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Sandy and family, Judith, Earl, Nicole, Rudy and Grace, Bonnie, Rob, Courtney and Kyla. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.

We yearn to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #648        I’m gonna live


Go forth in joy and peace, for you are God’s beloved. Remember that in life and in death, body and soul, you belong to God who promises resurrection in Jesus Christ. May the Holy Trinity fill you with joy, surround you with peace, and lead you to eternal life.

Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy

Questions for Reflection 

The lectionary readings suggest comparing the exuberant dancing and merrymaking of David to Paul’s enthusiastic description of the Christian’s calling, while contrasting these to the deathly revelries of Herod’s court. How do you know which present-day occasions to celebrate with all your might and which to speak out against?  To experience one’s self as God’s beloved is a gift beyond compare. For some, it is difficult to receive such a gift; for others, such grace comes more easily. How can we deepen our experience of that gift in ourselves? How might we encourage this gift in others?

Morning Prayer

Creator of light, I greet you as the morning dawns. Thank you for this new day.

May it be for me a sign and an anticipation of your coming kingdom. Fill me with the energy I will need to love all whom I meet today. I pray that I harm no one

and that I may have the mind of Christ as I live in the world he came to save. Receive my body, mind, and spirit as a living sacrifice of thanksgiving for the love you show me in Jesus Christ. And where my wholeness is broken by sin or sickness or the weight of the day, let me seek you in repentance, reach out to you for healing, and lay my burdens before your throne of grace. When the time for rest comes, let me find my repose in you, my comfort in life and my hope of life everlasting, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Faithful God, where I am now the earth is turning away from the sun so that for other parts of the world, the day is just beginning. Thank you for abiding with us

through the day and through the night. As I gather up thoughts of the hours just past and reflect on what, if anything, they mean, guide my meditations. There were times when you used me to love someone with Christ’s love, to encourage someone with a word from the Spirit, to comfort someone with your tender touch,

to challenge someone with your mighty arm. Let me not be proud, arrogant, or boastful. Let me rejoice in your goodness and mercy. I have sinned against you and others this day. I am sorry. By your Spirit, help me to turn away from my sins. Forgive me through the grace of Jesus Christ. Let me go to my rest this night in peace, trusting not in my own goodness, but rejoicing in your glory. If it is your will, let me rise to a new day, giving thanks and praise to you, the triune God, now and forever. Amen.

Daily Prayer

Holy Trinity, yours is the justice that calls power to account. Yours is the love

that calls sinners to repent. Yours is the mercy that forgives us and grants us eternal life. Lead us in the truth about the Beloved, and set us free to rejoice with all our might over the great mystery you have revealed: that you are bringing all things into harmony through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.


Scripture readings next week  

2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56




Hymn # 588      A prophet woman broke a jar

A prophet-woman broke a jar by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying.


A faithful woman left a tomb by love’s divine commission.

She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission.

A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel;

she saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles.


Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten and unheard, derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending.


The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchanging.

The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome!


623   Holy, holy, holy         Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:    Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun     Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain




528   Jesus calls us here to meet him

Jesus calls us here to meet him,  As through word and song and prayer, We affirm God’s promised presence Where his people live and care. Praise the God who keeps his promise; Praise the Son who calls us friends; Praise the Spirit who, among us, To our hopes and fears attends.


Jesus calls us to confess him Word of Life and Lord of all, Sharer of our flesh and frailness Saving all who fail or fall. Tell his holy human story; Tell his tales that all may hear; Tell the world that Christ in glory Came to earth to meet us here.


Jesus calls us to each other: Found in him are no divides. Race and class and sex and language: Such are barriers he derides. Join the hands of friend and stranger; Join the hands of age and youth; Join the faithful and the doubter In their common search for truth.


Jesus calls us to his table Rooted firm in time and space, Where the church in earth and heaven Finds a common meeting place. Share his bread and wine, his body; Share the love of which we sing; Share the feast for saints and sinners

Hosted by our Lord and King.


717   We cannot own the sunlit sky   

We cannot own the sunlit sky, The moon, the wildflowers growing, For we are part of all that is Within life’s river flowing. With open hands receive and share The gifts of God’s creation, That all may have abundant life In every earthly nation.


When bodies shiver in the night, And, weary, wait for morning, When children have no bread but tears, And war horns sound their warning, God calls humanity to wake, To join in common labour, That all may have abundant life In oneness with their neighbour.


God calls humanity to join As partners in creating A future free from want of fear,

Life’s goodness celebrating. That new world beckons from afar, Invites our shared endeavour, That all may have abundant life And peace endure forever.


689   Simply trusting every day

Simply trusting every day, trusting through a stormy way, even when my faith is small, trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain

Refrain:   Trusting as the moments fly, trusting as the days go by,

trusting Him whate’er befall, trusting Jesus, that is all.


Brightly doth his Spirit shine into this poor heart of mine; while he leads I cannot fall, trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain


Singing if my way be clear, praying, if the path be drear, if in danger for him call, trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain


Trusting him while life shall last, trusting him till earth be past, till within the jasper wall, trusting Jesus, that is all. Refrain


648   I’m gonna live

I’m gonna live so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! [repeat]


I’m gonna work so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! [repeat]


I’m gonna pray so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! [repeat]


I’m gonna sing so God can use me anywhere, Lord, anytime! [repeat]



PCC Connections Summer 2021 newsletter



Shake off the dust

Shake off the dust 4 July 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson

The people of Knox Bayfield acknowledge that our community worship, live, play, and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and Mississauga peoples within Treaty 29, of 1827.

Hymn # 588   A prophet woman broke a jar

Call to Worship

God is mighty in word and deed. God’s mercy is everlasting. Blessed be the one holy and living God. Glory to God forever.

Hymn# 626  Lord of all power

Assurance of Pardon

Ezekiel 2:3–4

Join me in prayer … Holy God, you call us to proclaim your name, yet we are stubborn and neglect your call. By the power of your Spirit, raise us to new life that we may return to faithful living, in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Sisters and brothers, siblings in Christ, God’s grace and mercy are never ending.

We know from the teachings of Christ that our sins are forgiven.

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.


Prayer For Illumination   

Come, Holy Spirit. When we are stubborn and unbelieving, open hearts to receive your Word, then set us free to follow in the power of Christ’s love. Amen.


2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, Psalm 48, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.

Hymn   # 631     Jesus hands were kind hands

Shake off the dust

Our readings today speak of people transformed as they embrace God’s call in their lives. But first to clarify the names.  There is Paul, also known as Saul, was a Pharisee trained in the law and Jewish traditions.  He persecuted the followers of Christ until a light he heard a voice: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Paul went on to experience three extended missionary journeys through Asia Minor and Greece where he helped to establish and nurture congregations. Paul’s efforts continue to influence us through his contributions in the bible.

Another Saul, who lived over a thousand years before the apostle Saul, was King Saul the first Israeli King. King Saul became wary of young man in his court, David. A couple of weeks ago we heard the story of David’s initial transformation when he, as a young shepherd, defeated Goliath. He was then anointed by the prophet Samuel to succeed King Saul. Although King Saul tried to kill him, David remained loyal to him. When Saul died in battle against the Philistines, the people of Judah made David their king in 970 BCE.

The gospel of Mark was a more familiar passage. We read that Jesus was speaking in his hometown synagogue where he was rejected. Then, Jesus told the disciples that they to go on a journey with nothing but their staff.  He cautioned that when they were rejected to shake the dust off their feet and continue with their journey. A familiar passage, yet there was something new for me in this reading. A connection became apparent between what Jesus lived and what he then taught. A parallel teaching that reached in and grabbed my attention. Allow me to clarify. Jesus taught and was rejected in his hometown synagogue. As he left his hometown, he taught the disciples to shake off the dust of rejection. Then, he told them this teaching in words. He demonstrated the way of being where possessions meant little, where relationships with God and one another mean  … well, they mean everything.

When Jesus went into the synagogue he was no longer the young boy that the congregation had known. He was no longer the carpenter who had created their furniture. He had become the wise prophet of God. They were amazed and captivated by his teachings. They were filled with curiosity. “Where did this man get all this?” they ask. “What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands!”  But their curiosity gave way. It seems that fear and contempt set in. Then, the disbelief that someone familiar to them could be a prophet of God. The fickle crowd became mean-spirited, jealous, and mocking. Jesus recognized their response for what it was.  He recognized that honourable prophets are often rejected in their hometown and within their own family

Perhaps we would have a similar reaction. We tend to see what we expect to see and are slow to accept information that challenges how we understand the world. The people of Nazareth expected to see the Jesus they knew, the man who was familiar to them. It did not make sense that he would preach with wisdom and demonstrate divine power. This lesson from the gospel of Mark is complex and yet is it simple. The people of Nazareth could not accept Jesus when he was not one of them. He no longer fit within the framework of their understanding and they rejected him. Too often those who do not fit within the structure are not only rejected, they are also demonized.

This text helps us to see the importance of being curious. When we decide that we are well informed… it becomes difficult to listen. When we decide that our way of being is the one and only way, it becomes difficult to find value in the ways of others. Time and again we see the devastating impact of devaluing those who are not like us. The tragedy of setting one group against another.

How is this type of rejection justified? There is a complex reasoning set into motion. The reasoning is faulty as it rejects the command to love God and to love one another. It does not make reasonable sense, yet it offers a sense of protective comfort to those who feel at risk. It is evident throughout history. We find it in the persecution of race, gender, religion, and ethnicity. Perhaps we could pause and consider how the people of Nazareth rejected Jesus. Can you imagine encountering the living Christ in the sanctuary? Now, imagine that Christ was an individual who grew up in the congregation. A youngster you watched grow through his teens into adulthood. A carpenter who made furniture for your home. Although he was faithful and did seem set apart in some ways … how could he be standing in your midst as the Messiah? Imagine that he is speaking in ways that disrupt your understanding of how life works. Who is this Jesus? When Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, the disciples questioned who was in the boat with them. They asked, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”  In this passage those who have known him for years ask the same questions about him as they are amazed by his teachings.

Yet, we discover the disciples were able to dig in and learn from such experiences. They were able to move forward through the confusion and embrace their curiosity to discover more and more about Jesus and their roles in God’s creation. They were able to shake the dust off their established ways of seeing the world and discover new ways of experiencing God’s creation. How are you being called to be curious? Linger in your curiosity. Shake the dust off and reflect on how you are called to see and experience life through the loving eyes of God.

Peace be with you.

 Hymn # 687      Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine

The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord            

Quote:        Gratitude may move us to give, but giving may also lead us to a deeper sense of gratitude. Mary Jo Leddy (1946–  ), theologian, social activist

2 Cor. 12:9a, Luke 12:48b

The Lord said to the apostle Paul, My grace is sufficient for you… Jesus also said to Peter, Every one to whom much is given, of them much will be required. We bear witness to the love of God with our offerings of thanksgiving.

Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Join me in prayer:

Divine Giver, all that we have is a gift from you. Pour out your Spirit upon the gifts offered in your name that they may increase your blessing to others, through the grace and mercy of Christ.

God of heaven and earth, creator of all things seen and unseen, we join with the faithful through all ages, praying that you cast out evil and renew the face of your creation. We pray you will grant wisdom and courage to political leaders so they may act for the common good and seek the justice you command. Grant intelligence and generosity to leaders of business and industry that they uphold the dignity and safety of all people.  We pray you will grant compassion and skill to healers and caregivers. May the sick and suffering know the comfort of your presence.

There are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Sandy and family as they mourn. We lift up Judith, Rudy, Bonnie, and Rob. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #  468 Lord dismiss us


Go in God’s strength to love and serve.  May the love of God, the power of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit dwell surround you this day and forever more.

Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy

Morning Prayer

Fire of life, thank you for bringing me safely through the night. As this new day dawns let me receive it as a gift and a blessing. Open my mind and senses to be fully awake to you. Attune my body to the rhythms of the day so that I can love and serve others as you guide me. If I experience hardship or pain or if I am exposed to danger, send your Holy Spirit to help me to put my trust more fully in you. Remind me that in life and in death I belong to you. Let me walk gently on the earth, thankful for your providence and grace.  Let me dance joyfully with you,

mindful that I share movement with planets and stars. When the day is done and it is time to rest, grant that I can offer the day to you with thanksgiving. I offer my prayer in the name of the Beloved Son, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.


Evening Prayer

Holy One, I lift my evening prayer as shadows cover me and night sounds come from hidden places. But darkness is not dark to you, so I ask that you hear my prayers and see me through the night. I have only the activities of the day to offer as my living sacrifice of praise. Forgive my unholiness; reconcile me by your grace. For the sake of the risen Christ, this night grant me peace. Amen.

Daily Prayer

O God of grace and mercy, you call us to proclaim your healing and faithfully fulfill your kingdom mission.  Let us not count the cost of our wins and losses, but keep our eyes fixed on you as we seek your realm of peace. Amen.

Questions for Reflection 

Stuff distracts us. Useless clutter we think we cannot live without can be a burden: too many coats, shoes, garden tools, or mismatched kitchen storage containers with no lids in sight as they tumble out of overstuffed cabinets. Perhaps our clutter shows up in other ways: on a computer that has grown slow from processing too many useless files, or when our minds grow dull from too much Web surfing or television viewing. Do you struggle with too much stuff? How do Jesus’ words about traveling light challenge you to change the way you live? How can you follow him more faithfully today?

Jesus charges his disciples to be vulnerable as he sends them out. The apostle Paul says that he embraces his vulnerability, “for whenever I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10c). In what ways might God be calling you to be vulnerable today?



Scripture readings next week

2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 and Psalm 24

Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

Hymn # 588      A prophet woman broke a jar

A prophet-woman broke a jar by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying.


A faithful woman left a tomb by love’s divine commission.

She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission.

A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel;

she saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles.


Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten and unheard, derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending.


The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchanging.

The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome!


623   Holy, holy, holy         Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:    Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun     Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain


626         Lord of all power

Lord of all power, I give you my will in joyful obedience your tasks to fulfil.

Your bondage is freedom, your service is song, and, held in your keeping, my weakness is strong.


Lord of all wisdom, I give you my mind, rich truth that surpasses our knowledge to find. What eye has not seen and what ear has not heard is taught by your Spirit and shines from your word.


Lord of all bounty, I give you my heart; I praise and adore you for all you impart:

your love to inspire me, your word to obey, I walk in your freedom to the end of the way.


Lord of all being, I give you my all. If e’er I disown you, I stumble and fall;

but, sworn in glad service your word to obey, I walk in your freedom to the end of the way.


631         Jesus hands were kind hands

Jesus hands were kind hands, doing good to all, Healing pain and sickness, blessing children small, Washing tired feet, and saving those who fall;

Jesus’ ands were kind hands, doing good to all.


Take my hands, Lord Jesus, let them work for you; Make them strong and gentle, kind in all I do. Let me watch you, Jesus, till I’m gentle too,

Till my hands are kind hands, quick to work for you





687          Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!

Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.

Refrain:    This is my story; this is my song: praising my Saviour all the day long;

this is my story; this is my song: praising my Saviour all the day long.


Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;

Angels descending bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.


Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my Saviour am happy and blest,

Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with his goodness, lost in his love.


 468 Lord dismiss us

Lord, dismiss us with your blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace;

Let us each, your love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace:

O refresh us, O refresh us, Travelling thru this wilderness.


Thanks we give and adoration For your gospel’s joyful sound;

May the fruits of your salvation In our hearts and lives abound:

Ever faithful, ever faithful To the truth may we be found—


So that when your love shall call us Saviour, from the world away,

Fear of death shall not appall us; Glad your summons to obey,

May we ever, may we ever Reign with you in endless day.


A reading of the 1994 PCC Residential School Confession

A new video, A reading of the 1994 PCC Residential School Confession , was just posted to our Knox Bayfield YouTube channel. This video was created independently by a number of church leaders within congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It was intended as a reminder that there is still much work to be done and in hope that churches and others in Canada will be spurred to action by this reminder of the tragedies that have taken place in Canada.

Here are a few resources that you may find helpful:

List of Charities that Support Residential School Survivors (as published on June 1, 2021 in Macleans Magazine):… \

Take a free online course from University of Alberta on Indigenous Canada:…

Assembly of First Nations Residential Schools Toolkit:…

List of 10 books to read with kids about Residential Schools (as published by CBC):…

List of 10 books on Residential Schools from University of British Columbia’s Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre:…

KAIROS Canada, for resources on education, social action, and the blanket exercise:…

A Joint Statement from the Current and Former Moderator Regarding Residential Schools (Presbyterian Church in Canada):…

A video that can be used in churches or at home to observe 215 seconds of silence:

A laments from Canadian Christian songwriter Brian Doerksen, co-written by Cheryl Bear:

Reach out to Rev Lisa if you would like to learn more



June 27 Worship Service

27 June 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson

The Lord be with you … and also with you.

Welcome to worship at Knox Presbyterian Bayfield


The people of Knox Bayfield acknowledge that our community worship, live, play, and work on the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and Mississauga peoples within Treaty 29, of 1827.

Hymn # 588   A prophet woman broke a jar

Call to Worship

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God’s mercies are everlasting.

They are new every morning. Great is God’s faithfulness.

Hymn# 769  Lord of Light, whose name and splendour

Assurance of Pardon

Join with me in prayer,

O God, trusting you does not always come easy when we are faced with the ugliness of the world. We struggle to believe that love conquers fear. We struggle to understand how strength comes through weakness. We struggle to believe that you could heal us. O God, renew our trust in you, for we seek to be disciples of Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.


If God kept count of all our sins, who could stand? But with God there is forgiveness; Christ gives us peace. Thanks be to God!

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

Hymn # 376   Shine Jesus Shine

 Prayer For Illumination   

By the power of your Spirit, speak your Word to us, O God. Show us who you are and who you are calling us to be. We pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 and Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.

Hymn   # 371     Love divine all loves excelling

The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord           

Quote: Generosity is the flower of justice. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) novelist

Let us joyfully share our abundance with others, as we trust in God who provides for all our needs.

Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Knowing that God hears our prayers, and trusting in the Spirit who intercedes with sighs too deep for words, let us pray together.

Join me in prayer:

Almighty God, you created the world for good and provide all that we need to live and grow. May you provide all people the wisdom to live in harmony with one another for the health of your creation.

You call your church to abound in generosity. We pray your Spirit will inspire us to share our abundance with those who are in need, that together we may live in the unity in Christ. Holy God, thank you for giving us a joy for generosity and a genuine love for those who are in need. Pour out your Spirit upon our offerings and upon our lives that together we may bring healing and hope to the world.

O holy One, your touch has the power to make us whole. Restore all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. May we be strengthened to extend our arms in love as witnesses to your healing. There are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Ron, Sandy, Rudy, Jane, Bonnie, Rob, Courtney and Kyla. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #671        I heard the voice of Jesus


My sisters and brothers, the Holy One has created you for good. Delight in God, work for justice, and walk in peace. May the blessing of God, who creates, redeems, and restores, be with you now and always.

Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy


Questions for Reflection 

In this week’s readings, various people bring their suffering to God, through lament and the search for healing. How does Christ enable you—and how might you enable others—to be honest with God in doubt and pain?

When the woman who suffered a chronic and isolating ailment touched Jesus, he stated that the power had gone out from him. What aspects of your life and ministry empty you of power? How do you discern healthy limits and habits for the care of yourself and others? Which spiritual practices do you find most revitalizing when your energy reserves are depleted? In such times, how does your faith make you whole?

Morning Prayer

By your grace I arise from my bed this morning, Lord; by the power of your Spirit I draw my breath. As the dawn brightens into day, enlighten my mind with your truth and open my heart to all those I meet, that I might reflect the light of Jesus Christ, in whose name I give thanks and praise. Amen.

Evening Prayer

As the night deepens, Lord, I give myself to your care. For the ways you enabled me to live faithfully today, thank you. For the ways I failed to follow Christ, forgive me. And if I do not awaken in the morning, receive me into your everlasting arms. Amen.

Daily Prayer  Mark 5:28–29, 41, 2 Sam. 1:17, Ps. 130:1–2

Almighty God, in Jesus Christ you show us the breadth of your power and the depth of your love. You listen to our cries of pain and hear our laments. You see the fear in our eyes and know the secrets of our hearts. You do not turn from our distress, but stretch out your hand to heal, to comfort, and to save. All thanks and praise be to you, O God; your steadfast love endures forever. Amen.

Scripture readings next week

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

Hymn # 588      A prophet woman broke a jar

A prophet-woman broke a jar by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying.


A faithful woman left a tomb by love’s divine commission.

She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission.

A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel;

she saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles.


Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten and unheard, derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending.


The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchanging.

The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome!


623   Holy, holy, holy         Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:    Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun      Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain


371   Love divine all loves exce Love divine, all loves excelling,

joy of heaven, to earth come down; fix in us thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art;visit us with thy salvation; enter every trembling heart.


Breathe, oh breathe thy loving Spirit into every trouble breast! Let us all in thee inherit, let us find the promised rest; take away our love of sinning; Alpha and Omega be;end of faith as its beginning, set our hearts at liberty.


Come, almighty to deliver, let us all thy grace receive; suddenly return and never,

never more thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, serve thee as thy hosts above, pray and praise thee, without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love.


Finish then thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be; let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee, changed from glory into glory till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love and praising


376   Shine Jesus Shine

Lord, the light of your love is shining in the midst of your darkness, shining;

Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us. Set us free by the truth you now bring us. Shine on me; shine on me.


Refrain:    Shine, Jesus, shine; fill this land with the Father’s glory;

blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.

Flow, river, flow; flood the nations with grace and mercy;

send forth your word, Lord, and let there be light!


Lord, I come to your awesome presence, from the shadows into your radiance;

by your blood I may enter your brightness. Search me, try me, consume all my darkness. Shine on me; shine on me.  Refrain


As we gaze on your kingly brightness, so our faces display your likeness,

ever changing from glory to glory: mirrored here may our lives tell your story.

Shine on me; shine on me.  Refrain


671   I heard the voice of Jesus

I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down thy head upon my breast!”

I came to Jesus as I was, weary and worn and sad; I found in him a resting place,

and he has made me glad.


I heard the voice of Jesus say, “Behold, I freely give the living water; thirsty one,

Stoop down, and drink and live!”

I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life-giving stream; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived and now I live in him.


I heard the voice of Jesus say, “I am this dark world’s light; Look into me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright.”

I looked to Jesus, and I found in him my star, my sun, And in that light of life I’ll walk till travelling days are done.


769   Lord of Light, whose name and splendour

Lord of light, whose name and splendour far outshine the suns of space, deign to make us your coworkers in the kingdom of your grace; use us to fulfil your purpose in the gift of Christ your Son: Abba, as in highest heaven so on earth your will be done.


By the faithfulness of workers serving you in every field; by the courage where the radiance of the cross is still revealed; by the victories of meekness, through reproach and suffering won: Abba, as in highest heaven so on earth your will be done.


Grant that knowledge, still increasing, at your feet might humbly kneel; with your grace our triumphs hallow, with your charity our zeal; lift all nations from the shadows to the gladness of the sun: Abba, as in highest heaven so on earth your will be done.


By prayers of faithful watchers, never silent day or night; by the cross of Jesus bringing peace to all, and healing light; by the love that passes knowledge,

making all your children one: Abba, as in highest heaven so on earth your will be done.


Indigenous Ministries Service


Presbyterian Church in Canada prayer for the Lives Lost at Kamloops Indian Residential School 

The Presbyterian Church in Canada prayer for the Lives Lost at Kamloops Indian Residential School…

God, we are deeply saddened by the ongoing atrocities against your creation. We have learned of more Indigenous children lost, more children who never were able to return to their families from schools they should never have been forced to attend in the first place. This news is devastating.

We pray first for healing for the children’s families and communities, who are met again today with pain too deep to name.

We acknowledge the actions of your church, our complicity in running residential schools and taking children like these, who were just found, from their families. We repent for the pain and ongoing harm we have caused. We ask for the will and wisdom to act to end that harm. We have asked for forgiveness and we are committed to work for healing and reconciliation. But we recognize that for many, that change came too late.

Comforting God, we pray for healing in the communities and families of all who experienced residential schools, comfort for all those grieving, and strength for all to pursue reconciliation.

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.