
Special Guest Rev. Dr. Herb Gale on February 9th

Did you hear? On Sunday February 9th our special guest Rev. Dr. Herb Gale will be here to lead us in worship and a workshop. Rev Gale spoke with your Session last fall about stewardship initiatives and we are eager to have him share this information with each of you.  You are encouraged to attend both the morning worship service and the afternoon workshop, Doorways to Generosity: Learning to Open the Various Giving Doors to Support Your Congregation’s Life and Ministry.

As Kennon Callahan declares, “There is a diversity of ways that people share their generosity,” but many congregations make only one or two ways available. This presentation will look at how our congregation can offer many “Giving Doors”. The Giving Doors encourage people to share their gifts in ways that fit their own lifestyle while providing additional support to sustain your congregation’s ministry and mission for generations to come.

A potluck lunch with home-made soup will be served after worship and before the workshop. The potluck soups will be part of our annual competition to determine the Soup’s On Knox Bayfield representative. Speak with a Session elder for more details: Brenda McLean, Jan Sloane, and Deb Cosford.