
Important Notice March 17, 2020

Knox Presbyterian Bayfield important notice March 17 2020

Friends in Christ,

May the grace of God be with you.

After much discernment and prayer, your Session elders have decided to pause all activity at Knox – Bayfield. The decision to temporarily cancel our worship services and gatherings was carefully considered in light of the evidence-based recommendations issued by the Huron Perth[i] and national health[ii] authorities. The risks of gathering together are too high right now.

It is important to note that you are urged to reach out to one another by phone or email! Stay in connection and share your concerns with one another during this challenging time. Do not hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email. My contact information is at the end of this notice.

We are in the midst of challenging times due to the impact of the COVID 19 virus. We are urged to do our part to prevent the spread of the virus, while we are encouraged to trust that God is with us.  “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff- they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4).

Although we are unable to gather together for a time, the church season of Lent turns our thoughts toward the journey of Christ. Our worship services recently reflected on the diverse stories of Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Their encounters with Jesus changed their lives in amazing ways. Perhaps their stories help us to see life in new ways.

News travelled slowly in their time, yet the news of Christ travelled quickly. We live in a time where news travels quickly. We have also discovered that illness travels quickly, as well. The World Health Organization declared COVID 19 virus a pandemic.[iii]  Our government and health officials are keeping us informed about the impact of this virus and efforts to thwart it.  Within our nation, the healthy are urged to practice social distancing, while the ill and immune- compromised are urged to impose self-isolation. Watch for reputable updates on the news, in your email, and on our website.

Thank you for supporting the many efforts of our little church with a big heart. Your efforts of time, talent, and financial contributions are greatly appreciated. Our full mailing address is noted below. Remember to include the post office box number when you are mailing donations.

We will be gathering together again in the near future. Until then I will continue to prepare my weekly sermons and post them on the website. If you prefer, the sermons can be sent to you by email. Just send me confirmation that you would like to be included in the sermon email group.

May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen



Rev Lisa

Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield

2 Bayfield Main St N, Box 565, Bayfield, ON N0M 1G0

Knox Website:


Session Elders:  Jan Sloane, Deb Cosford, Brenda McLean

Minister: Rev. Lisa Dolson  (519) 572-8529 [call/text]

[i] Huron Perth Public Health   

[ii] Gov’t of Canada Public Health

[iii] World Health Organization WHO