
National Indigenous Peoples Sunday June 20

20 June 2021 Knox Bayfield Rev Dolson

The Lord be with you … and also with you.

Welcome to worship at Knox Presbyterian Bayfield on National Indigenous Peoples Sunday.

Hymn # 588   A prophet woman broke a jar


Call to Worship Psalm 133

How very good and pleasant it is  when sisters and brothers live together in unity!

It is like the precious oil on the head, like the dew that falls on the mountains of Zion. Together, let us worship God.


Hymn# 325  Eternal Father


Assurance of Pardon

Join me in prayer,

Most merciful God, we imagine that we can live without you, when you give us our very breath. We seek control over others rather than seek unity. Fear overtakes us

even though our lives are in your hands. Draw us back into your steadfast love, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Sisters and brothers, the good news is this: grace is poured out like water; mercy flows like a never-ending stream, bathing us in goodness and love. Live as those who have received new life.

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

 Prayer For Illumination   

God of eternity, by the power of your Spirit, speak your Word to us this day. In hearing, may we know your truth and live more faithfully for you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


1 Samuel 17:1-49,  Psalm 9:9-20, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41

May God bless our understanding of this, God’s holy word. The Word of the Lord.


Hymn   # 384      O breath of life


The Offering Of Our Life And Labour To The Lord         

Quote:         Give and it will be given to you. Luke 6:38

We are invited, even urged, to open our hearts wide and to place no boundaries on our affection for all people. Let us share generously with others.


Hymn # 474 The love of God comes close


Blessing Of Gifts & Prayers Of The People

Let us bring our concerns for the world and for one another to God, join with me in prayer.

God of the sky and sea, your world is filled with glory. You have set us in the midst of a garden and trusting us to its tending. We pray for your good Earth and the wisdom to care for it that generations to come may enjoy its fruits and revel in its beauty.

We are grateful, O God, that you call us to serve with the Holy Spirit, who fills us with patience, generosity and genuine love. We pray that all we return to you

will be used faithfully in ministry to the world.

God of the earthquake and the storm, your world is full of danger. Keep watch over your people and save them from despair. Strengthen and uphold them when trouble comes. God of power and might, may the rulers of this world seek your wisdom. Guide all nations in the ways of peace.

God of healing and comfort, pain and loss are all around. Soothe the frantic, embolden the fearful, ease the suffering of the sick. Give peace to all who grieve

and hope to those facing death. There are many within our church family in need of your special care at this time. We lift up Ron, Sandy, Rudy, Jane, Bonnie, Rob, Courtney and Kyla. We lift up all those who prefer to remain un-named as they face immense challenges of health and finances.  All-knowing, all-loving God, we cannot always voice our hidden cares. Hear our silent prayers. (silence)

O holy One, we desire to hear your voice of love, to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to see you clearly. By your Spirit who breathes within us, strengthen our faith, use our gifts, and work in our lives to bear witness to Christ who taught his disciples to pray, …Our Father who art in heaven, hallow’ed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn #749 Be still my soul



Be in this world as Christ’s hands and feet. Do not be afraid.

May the power of God uphold you, the peace of Christ rest upon you,

and the Holy Spirit defend you, now and always.


Postlude   #623  Holy, holy, holy

Questions for Reflection 

When do you let fear overtake you? How might you relinquish that fear and trust in Jesus Christ? Mark 4:35–41 tells of a time when the disciples were in great fear in a storm. Can you remember a time when you were in a frightening storm (literal or figurative) and felt in danger of being “swamped”? Did God feel far away or near to help you?


Morning Prayer

Did you hear, O God, the morning stars sing together this morning—just as you heard them at the dawn of creation? Open my ears today to the music of creation:

where it sings and rejoices, where it groans in travail, where it waits in silent longing. Though I am very small in the grand scheme of your design, teach me to tend the earth in ways that increase joy; to mend the earth in ways that restore fruitfulness; and to wait with the earth for the hope of redemption; in the name of Christ, my Savior. Amen.

Evening Prayer

Loving God, in your earthly life, when evening had come you led your disciples away from the crowds and the busyness of the day. You were so tired, you fell asleep in the boat . . .so tired that even a storm did not wake you up! You know our weariness well, our need to rest and sleep soundly. Help me too, then, to leave behind this crowded day, my crowded thoughts. Speak to me the words you spoke to the wind and the waves: Peace! Be still! And, in faith, I will try to let go

of all that has been today and rest, trusting in you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Daily Prayer

O Lord our God, when we cry out to you in distress, you bring us through desperate circumstances and hush the sea’s waves, so great is your power.

Help us to trust you, then, whatever we may face, knowing that you will lead us

to the harbor we have been hoping for. We offer you our thanks and praise. Amen.

Scripture readings next week

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 and Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43


Hymn # 588      A prophet woman broke a jar

A prophet-woman broke a jar by Love’s divine appointing.

With rare perfume she filled the room presiding and anointing.

A prophet-woman broke a jar, the sneers of scorn defying.

With rare perfume she filled the room, preparing Christ for dying.


A faithful woman left a tomb by love’s divine commission.

She saw, she heard, she preached the Word, arising from submission.

A faithful woman left a tomb, with resurrection gospel;

she saw, she heard, she preached the Word, apostle to apostles.


Though woman-wisdom, woman-truth, for centuries were hidden,

unsung, unwritten and unheard, derided and forbidden,

the Spirit’s breath, the Spirit’s fire, on free and slave descending,

can tumble our dividing walls, our shame and sadness mending.


The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, by Love’s divine ordaining,

the friends we need, to serve and lead, their powers and gifts unchanging.

The Spirit knows, the Spirit calls, from women, men and children,

the friends we need, to serve and lead. Rejoice, and make them welcome!


623  Holy, holy, holy          Words: traditional        Music: F Schubert

Refrain:      Holy, holy, holy, God almighty Lord!

Holy, holy, holy, everywhere adored!

God without beginning, God eternal One

reigns and rules forever all beneath the sun      Refrain

Power and love and wonder circling round God’s throne

Praise our God most holy, Lord of Life alone     Refrain



325  Eternal Father

Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bade the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep: Oh hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea.


O Christ, whose voice the waters heard And hushed their raging at the word, Who walked upon the foaming deep And calm amid the storm didst sleep: Oh hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea.


O Holy Spirit, who did brood Upon the waters dark and rude, And bade their angry tumult cease, And gave, for wild confusion, peace: Oh hear us when we cry to thee For those in peril on the sea.


O Trinity of love and power, Our kindred shield in danger’s hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them where-so-e’er they go; Then evermore shall rise to thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.


384  O breath of life

O Breath of life, come sweeping through us; Revive your church with life and power. O Breath of life, come cleanse, renew us, And fit your church to meet this hour.


O Wind of God, come bend us, break us, Till humbly we confess our need; Then in your tenderness remake us, Revive restore, for this we plead.


O Breath of love, come breathe within us, Renewing thought and will and heart:

Come, Love of Christ, afresh to win us, Revive your church in every part.


O Tongues of fire, come rest upon us, So we may speak your word aright; Kindle the flame of love among us; Equip your church to spread the light.


474  The love of God comes close

The love of God comes close where stands an open door, To let the stranger in,

To mingle rich and poor. The love of God is here to stay, Embracing those who walk the Way; The love of God is here to stay.


The peace of God comes close to those caught in the storm, Forgoing lives of ease

To ease the lives forlorn. The peace of God is here to stay, Embracing those who walk the Way; The peace of God is here to stay.


The joy of God comes close Where faith encounters fears, Where heights and depths of life Are found through smiles and tears. The joy of God is here to stay,

Embracing those who walk the Way; The joy of God is here to stay.


The grace of God comes close To those whose grace is spent, When hearts are tired or sore And hope is bruised and bent. The grace of God is here to stay,

Embracing those who walk the Way; The grace of God is here to stay.


The Son of God comes close Where people praise his name, Where bread and wine are blest And shared as when he came. The Son of God is here to stay, Embracing those who walk the Way; The Son of God is here to stay.


749  Be still my soul

Be still my soul: The Lord is on thy side; bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;

leave to thy God to order and provide; in every change God faithful will remain.

Be still my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.


Be still my soul: thy God doth undertake to guide the future wisely, as the past.

Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; all now mysterious shall be bright at last. Be still my soul: the waves and winds still know the voice that ruled them here on earth below.


Be still my soul: when dearest friends depart, and all is darkened in the vale of tears, then shalt thou better know God’s love, God’s heart who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears. Be still my soul: thy Jesus can repay from his own fullness all death takes away.


Be still my soul: the hour is hastening on when we shall be forever with the Lord,

when disappointment, grief and fear are gone, sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored. Be still my soul: when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.