
Second Sunday in Advent newsletter


We are approaching the second Sunday in the Advent season. Have you been to see the beautiful Christmas light display in the park and down Main street in the village?

It seems even the familiar events of Advent and Christmas are giving way to new experiences as the pandemic continues to impact. Have you given thought to ways in which you might mark this special time? The traditional family gatherings and social get-togethers are unlikely to happen this year. Yet, there are many ways to create special moments. Although we are unable to connect in-person with extended family and friends, we are able to create community. Our recent scripture readings remind us that the apostle Paul’s letters were hand-written, even while in prison, and delivered across great distance in their time. Imagine how such physical distance, cultural differences, and even the ability to read were significant barriers. Yet, the barriers were overcome to develop relationships and build community in the burgeoning church. Perhaps now, in the 21st century in the midst of a pandemic, we can see the opportunity to reach out to one another despite the barriers.

I wonder if you might be up to a bit of a challenge over the next Month of Sundays. Each Sunday morning, between 10 am and noon, reach out to someone. Use the time that you would typically spend getting ready for church and attending worship to connect with one another. It may involve digging into your courage to reach out to people you haven’t seen in a while. Perhaps you could reach out by writing a letter, making a phone call, or sending an email. Reach out to share how you are doing during the pandemic. Share a little about how life has changed for you in 2020. Discover what others are doing to cope. Remember, Jesus said, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Gather in His name, safely and according to COVID restrictions of course, on Sunday mornings. I encourage each of you to pick up the phone, or the pen and paper, or the computer mouse to reach out and share a sense of community during the Advent season.



May the Christ who walked on wounded feet, walk with you on the road;

May the Christ who served with wounded hands, stretch out your hands to serve;

May the Christ who loved with a wounded heart, open your heart to love;

May you see the face of Christ in everyone you meet and may everyone see the face of Christ in you.





Rev Lisa